Cognitive Analytic Therapist

The CAT Treatment model was developed at Guy’s and St Thomas’ hospitals in London. It is time-limited, NHS approved, relational rather than simply behavioural and evidence-based. As an integrative approach, CAT gives you tools in how to do things differently, we can think and reflect together (cognitive); we may then safely, in the here and now, get to grips with the roots of the problem (analytic). We may explore and recognise patterns of relating that used to work effectively, which become habits, but which are no longer effective in current changed circumstances .Dr Stella will discuss with you and create a personal treatment plan that will give you the best opportunity for an effective course of therapy with planning for relapse prevention. We make progress collaboratively to achieve the best outcomes with an agreed clarity of purpose. Your fee includes the CAT ’reformulation letter’, which Dr Stella prepares for you outside the session and then reads to you as a personal exchange. This process often leads to that ‘ah ha’ moment and it can then help you when the weekly sessions have finished. We can evaluate your course of therapy so that you can see the positive changes that have occurred.

Do you feel anxious or depressed?
Are you suffering from post-lockdown blues,

an eating disorder, addiction, bereavement, relationship challenges?
Would you like advice on treatment options for yourself or a loved one? Call 0345 340 4878

I provide evidence based cognitive analytic therapy as well as walk/talk nature-based sessions. Initial private consultations take place in Cartmel and Grange or on Zoom by appointment with Stella.  For people suffering Trauma, sudden losses, long covid, careers burn out and for military Veterans Stella can provide equine-assisted psycho- traumatology.

Private Counselling Services are available at The Nutwood Medical Centre and by remote access. Ask your GP whether this might be helpful for you, check us out at,  call or 0345 340 4878 or email We will reply within 24 hours.

Private Clinics In North
And Central South London

The way our lives unfold depends on many factors and the way that we respond to life’s challenges affects how we grow.

  • Anxiety, Panic Attacks, Depression
  • Bereavement Counselling
  • Relationship Advice And Development
  • A Personal Trauma Or Life Change
  • Adolescent Developmental And Behavioural Issues